How does all this work now that Covid19 is an issue?

Just as the entire End of Life Doula service is designed for your specific needs, this time is dictating even more customization. Simply call and we can discuss your needs.

How do I know when to contact you?

Whenever you need to talk about yours or your loved one’s approach to end of life. To talk about this doesn’t mean you’re giving up. On the contrary. This is your opportunity to steer these last years, months, or weeks to serve you and what you want this time to look like.

My mom lives in Athens, she’s dying, and I cannot get there to be with her. Can you help me?

Most certainly. I can accompany your mom through her last days as if she were my loved one. We can talk about whatever she wants and I can hold her hand so she’s not alone. This service is quite an honor to provide.

Do you do personal care? Like bathing and changing?

I do not, however I can help in daily life in other ways. I do provide cooking services for clients and families that are feeling overwhelmed with high levels of responsibility associated with intensive home care. With respect to the function of an End of Life Doula, this process is more about the emotional well-being of the client and family. I can help people to talk through feelings and wishes as they approach the dying process, set up space for maximum peace and comfort, and be present for the client as they pass away. All of these things are developed specifically for each individual as they are needed.

I feel like I just need to talk through the process and possibilities of helping my dad in his last days. Are you available as a consultant, if that makes sense?

It makes total sense. All of us are built with the skills to care for our loved ones as they approach their end. We’ve been doing it for eons and you are totally able to do it now. I understand the need to check in or touch base with a sounding board to make sure you are on the right path. I absolutely can help you with that.